
Getting My Car Fixed On the Go

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Getting My Car Fixed On the Go

After a beer bottle careened into my car on the freeway, I knew it was going to be a long, frustrating day. In addition to having a packed schedule, I also had a tight budget at the time, which complicated things. I didn't know what I was going to do or how I was going to fix my car. After I arrived at the office and started talking with my coworkers about the issue, they suggested looking into mobile windshield repair. I was skeptical, but I called anyway. It was incredible how quickly a team of experts arrived, diagnosed my windshield's problems, and found a solution. Check out my blog for more information about this helpful service.


Repairing A Chipped Windshield

If you notice a small chipped area in your vehicle's windshield, fixing it promptly can save you the headache of a worsening condition. Driving a vehicle with a flawed windshield is dangerous, as the affected area can easily expand in damage due to the weight and pressure of air hitting the glass as you drive. To avoid this risk, going to a reliable auto glass replacement establishment is the best way to ensure your windshield is flaw-free. If you are unable to foot the bill for a replacement windshield, making a temporary repairs to the area yourself with the aid of a windshield repair kit can buy you a bit of time. Here are some instructions to follow when repairing a chipped windshield.

Materials You Will Need

  • Glass cleaner
  • Lint-free piece of cloth
  • Pushpin
  • Windshield repair kit
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Credit card

Preparing The Glass

Move your vehicle to a shaded area so you will see the entire flaw without glare from the sun. Use a pushpin to scrape out any small slivers of glass that may have been left behind when the glass had been impacted. Apply a glass cleaner and wipe off using a lint-free piece of cloth so there are no obstructions left within the chip making it difficult for the resin to adhere when you do the repair.

Filling In The Chip

Windshield repair kits can be found in hardware, home good, or auto repair stores. While there are instructions listed on the backing of the packaging, it is good to have an idea of how these kits work beforehand so you do not use them improperly. Most kits work in the same way. Center the application device over the chip. This is usually applied to the windshield using small suction cups or by placing a temporary adhesive around the chip to keep the applicator in place. 

Pour the resin included with the kit into the reservoir located on the top of the applicator. Push the flange down and pull back up quickly to help create a seal. The resin will be pumped into the crack as you pull up and push down quickly. Use the same motion as you would to plunge a toilet, only on a smaller scale. When the resin has all been applied, remove the applicator from your windshield. 

Finishing The Job

Bring your vehicle to a sunny area to help the resin harden. If the kit you had purchased includes a piece of film in the packaging, place it over the resin you had just applied and use a credit card to scrape the top of the plastic so the resin underneath will smooth evenly into the chipped area. Remove the film and leave it to harden into place. Wipe the affected area with rubbing alcohol when it has hardened. The result will be a clear, filled in chip. You may be able to see the outline of the chip until you bring your vehicle in for a replacement windshield, but it will be protected from becoming cracked or getting larger in size.

If you'd rather have a professional handle the glass chip for you, contact Glass On Wheels.